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Pis en venda a La Dorada - Rame de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

240.500 €
108 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2008
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 2a
  • Sistema calefacció: independent
Certificat energètic no indicat


Presenting this exceptional second floor, 3 bed apartment with lift access. The apartment is located in a beautifully maintained complex where you can enjoy any of the 3 swimming pools and garden areas. The complex is well situated with only a 5 minute walk into the vibrant center where you can expect a multitude of bars, restaurants, shops and supermarkets. The added bonus is the beaches of los Narejos and Los Alcazares are on your doorstep. What you can expect inside is a bright and spacious area that has 3 double bedrooms, 1 of which is en suite, another large bathroom and an open style lounge/diner with american style kitchen. If you enjoy dining "Al fresco" then you have a balcony of 10m2 that you can enjoy throughout the day, the balcony has also been equipped with glass curtains making it a useful space the whole year round. The apartment has centralised aircon and a garage space included in the price.
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La Dorada - Rame, Alcazares, Los

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