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35 FotosPlànol

Pis en venda a Parque de la Paloma de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

349.000 €
87 m²


  • Any de construcció: 1984
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 5a
Certificat energètic no indicat


Welcome to this fantastic apartment with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms located in the heart of Benalmádena, right between the sea and the nice park "Parque de la Paloma". The residence is only 100 meters from the beach with its wonderful promenade that leads you to the beautiful Puerto Marina. The apartment has been taken care of with care and love, including a newly renovated kitchen and where every room has its own charm. From the cozy terrace you have a view of both the sea, the mountains and the green park. Urbanistationen has a shared pool, tennis court and beautiful gardens, and in the immediate area there are all the amenities you could possibly need. It is also walking distance to the Arroyo de la Miel train station, where the train easily takes you between Malaga and Fuengirola and the airport. Regardless of whether you plan to live permanently or use it as a holiday home, this is a perfect investment. If you are looking for your place in the sun, you have found it! Do not hesitate to contact us at Notar for more information or to book a viewing. Parking is available within the urbanization.
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Parque de la Paloma, Benalmádena

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