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Pis en venda a Santa Eulalia del Río de 3 habitacions amb piscina i jardí

685.000 €
154 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
Certificat energètic no indicat


A sophisticated residential building leveraging on south-facing with infinity pool within the community, consisting of 57 units of 1 to 3 bedroom apartments for sale, penthouses with their own terraces and private pools. There are community areas to enjoy the sunsets andamp; relax with beautiful Mediterranean gardens designed with ecological andamp; low maintenance irrigation system and a gymnasium. There are also 3 floors of subterranean garages and storerooms. The location is situated right in the heart of St. Eulalia with walking distance to the beach, marina and all the amenities such as bars, restaurants and shopping. This is the place where you'd want to live. With only 21km from Ibiza airport, St. Eulalia is an ideal destination for families seeking tranquillity and beauty in the same place. St Eulalia has its own town council, church, beautiful citrus tree promenade, beach, marina and tree-lined river that stretches into the sea. The architecture has been inspired by the Ibicenco style of the 'Payesas' houses which surround the neighbourhood and create a comfortable atmosphere. Prime quality finishes with high-end materials and state of the art technology. We also offer the possibility of furnishing the flats. Delivery is scheduled for 2024. For more information or a visit please do not hesitate to contact us. Luxury apartment Santa Eulalia Ibiza Private Community to buy.
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Santa Eulalia del Río, Santa Eulalia del Río

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