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Àtic en venda a Los Abrigos de 2 habitacions amb terrassa i ascensor

230.000 €
100 m²


  • Any de construcció: 2005
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 1a
Certificat energètic en tràmit


We present this wonderful opportunity to acquire a 100m2 penthouse in the heart of Los Abrigos, Tenerife. Centrally located and only 2 minutes walk from the beach, this is the ideal place to enjoy the beauty of the island. Main Features: - Panoramic Teide Views: Enjoy the majesty of Mount Teide from the comfort of your home. The views from the large terrace are simply breathtaking. - Spacious Spaces: With 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, this penthouse offers a comfortable and functional living space. The brightness and open layout make it feel even more spacious. - Garage Space: You won't have to worry about parking, as this penthouse includes a spacious garage space. - Private Terrace: The terrace is perfect for relaxing, having barbecues or enjoying alfresco dinners while contemplating the views of the Teide. This property is located in a privileged area, surrounded by restaurants, shops and all the amenities that Los Abrigos has to offer. Don't miss the opportunity to live in this paradise on earth!
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Los Abrigos, Granadilla de Abona

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