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10 FotosPlànol

Pis en venda a Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera de 3 habitacions amb aire acondicionat i calefacció

1.145.000 €
145 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 1936
  • Entreplanta
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Sistema calefacció: independent




Stunning Modernist Apartment for Sale in Central Barcelona Discover the epitome of elegance and sophistication in this brand newly 130 square meter, Modernist apartment, nestled in the heart of Barcelona's historic center. Dating back to the 1900s, this exquisite residence seamlessly blends timeless architectural charm with contemporary luxury. Key Features: Spacious Layout: Boasting three bedrooms, a spacious living room, and two bathrooms spread across 130 square meters, this completely refurbished apartment offers ample space for comfortable living and entertaining. Admire the elegance of the Catalan vaulted ceiling, adding character to the living space, complemented by the warmth and sophistication of parquet floors throughout the apartment Prime Location: Situated in the vibrant heart of Barcelona, close to the iconic Cathedral, this centrally located apartment offers unparalleled convenience and access to the city's finest attractions. Transportation Hub: Enjoy effortless connectivity with public transportation options conveniently located nearby, including metro stations, bus stops, and bicycle lanes, making it easy to explore all that Barcelona has to offer. Gastronomic Delights: Indulge in the culinary delights of Barcelona's renowned dining scene, with a plethora of charming cafes, stylish bistros, and all types of restaurants just from your doorstep. For more information or to schedule a viewing, please call Soledad by whatupp ( ).
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Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera, Ciutat Vella, Barcelona

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