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Àtic en venda a calle Pensamientos de 2 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

885.000 €
147 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2019
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Planta 6a
  • Sistema calefacció: central
Certificat energètic no indicat


This magnificent new property in Torreblanca is without a new owner. Monte Paraiso has been completed in 2019. This amazing new community offers large and modern pool areas with outdoor showers, children's pool, barbecue area, gym with all equipment, sauna, quiet office space with internet connection and much more. The top-floor penthouse offers lovely views of both Benalmadena and Fuengirola, and unparalleled sea views. The first sunbeams hit the back terrace of the apartment right from the morning and in the evening you can watch sunset from big front terrace. So you can watch the last rays of the sun from the large open kitchen while preparing a tasty dinner. The apartment is fully furnished with modern Bo-Concept Danish furnitures that are included in the price. Furniture on the terrace are from the Kane-Line collection. High-quality Somfy electric awnings have been installed on the front terrace. The apartment has two bedrooms, two bathrooms with showers and on of the bathroom with a Jacuzzi and sauna. One of the bathrooms is connected to the main bedroom. The apartment has central heating, as well as cooling. Here is an opportunity, contact us and lets make your apartment dreams true together.
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Torreblanca del Sol, Fuengirola

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