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22 FotosPlànol

Pis en venda a Santurtzi de 2 habitacions amb ascensor

129.000 €
60 m²


  • Estat: per reformar
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 1a


999 kWh/m² any


From private to private. Call us and visit this property. 60 m² apartment in Santurtzi, province of Bizkaia. The spaciousness of this property provides a family with children all the space they need.. . It is located on a second floor with elevator and has a cozy living room, two bedrooms, bathroom, and large kitchen furnished and equipped with appliances, fully independent from the rest of the rooms. The property is all exterior and due to its south orientation is a very sunny house in the central hours of the day. The house is sold unfurnished, has two storage rooms, so you can keep everything you need and increase the storage capacity. As for the qualities it has: security door, electric heating, aluminum carpentry, wooden floor, which brings a lot of warmth to the house and in some rooms ceramic floor. This house is located in an easily accessible and well connected area, very close to the bus stop and the train station. For convenience, the house is very close to all necessary services.. . h1o3u7s6e4l2l.
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