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Àtic en venda a calle Fuengirola de 3 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

1.200.000 €
180 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2023
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Planta 4a
  • Sistema calefacció: central




Located in the centre of Fuengirola, this beautiful penthouse is located in an extraordionary residential complex with 116 apartments offering underground garage spaces and just 100 m from the sea. Modern and elegant design. The penthouse is characterized by its natural light, open spaces and spacious living area, looking for the continuity of the interior with the large terraces. offering a privileged access to Malaga and the airport situated only 20 minutes away, as well as Marbella to the west. The ever-growing city of Fuengirola is home to many nationalities and its leisure activities are suited for all ages, offering a large array of choices to cover all preferences. The many outdoor activities in the area include golf, water sports, swimming, horse riding, tennis, mountain hiking to name some but a few. A Luxury Community with a lot of exclusive services for the owners, common areas to enjoy a resort-style living.
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Centro Ciudad, Fuengirola

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Greystone International Real Estate

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