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Pis en venda a calle San Pedro de 2 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

580.000 €
95 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Any de construcció: 2023
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Planta 3a
  • Sistema calefacció: independent




A new apartment project situated in the popular town of San Pedro de Alcantara, just next door to Puerto Banus and only a short drive from Marbella. San Pedro offers an extensive beachfront lined with restaurants, as well as a bustling town with exciting nightlife. There is also a long stretch of sandy beach to enjoy. The project offers apartments with 2 3- and 4-bedroom layouts. The apartments and penthouses are spacious and bright with interiors up to 195m², with generous terraces up to a massive 189m² - perfect for making the most of the Mediterranean climate. All properties come with at least one parking space and a storage room. A bright and spacious master bedroom, with floor-to-ceiling windows, leads to expansive terraces - comfort and sophistication. With spacious terraces for the apartments and a generous solarium for the penthouses, space and style are the clear priorities in this new luxury project. The properties are built to the highest standard using superior fixtures and fittings throughout, including quality kitchen and bathroom fittings. The communal areas are just as impressive as the properties and include state-of-the-art facilities including a co-working space, EV charging points, two swimming pools (one inside, one outside), and a fully equipped gymnasium and spa.
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Nueva Alcántara, San Pedro de Alcántara, Marbella

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Greystone International Real Estate

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