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Pis en venda a calle Calanova Mijas de 2 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

500.000 €
120 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 2a




Welcome to an exclusive apartment complex that epitomizes sleek and contemporary living. Nestled within a secure, gated community, this meticulously planned enclave offers panoramic vistas of the picturesque Andalucian countryside, an emerald-green golf course, and the vibrant town of La Cala de Mijas. This sophisticated apartment complex features low-rise buildings housing two and three-bedroom apartments, all enveloped by lush communal gardens meticulously landscaped for your enjoyment. Each apartment is meticulously crafted with a focus on premium quality, boasting fully-equipped kitchens complete with Bosch appliances and bathrooms adorned with Hansgrohe taps and concealed toilet cisterns. Elevated ground-floor apartments extend their allure with spacious terraces, some even featuring Jacuzzis and private gardens. First and second-floor apartments offer sizable terraces that showcase breathtaking views of the surroundings. For those seeking the pinnacle of indoor-outdoor living, the two-bedroom penthouses provide the perfect retreat. Their expansive living spaces showcase oversized ceramic tiles and floor-to-ceiling windows that seamlessly connect to expansive terraces complete with Jacuzzis. This exceptional development also offers residents access to a sprawling solarium, further enhancing the privileged lifestyle that comes with living in this exquisite community. ".
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Calahonda, Mijas

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