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Pis en venda a calle Mijas Costa la Cala de Mijas de 2 habitacions amb terrassa i piscina

578.000 €
100 m²


  • Aire acondicionat: altres
  • Estat: bon estat
  • Interior / exterior: exterior
  • Planta 3a




Discover an extraordinary opportunity to become the owner of one of only 22 prestigious, cutting-edge apartments nestled near La Cala de Mijas. This project boasts an architectural design that is not only exceptionally modern but also visually captivating. You can secure a two-bedroom apartment for €578,000 with a flexible payment plan spanning the construction period. The apartments will be delivered to you with the utmost attention to detail and will encompass a host of state-of-the-art features, including aerothermic hot water and air conditioning, underfloor heating, generously lit interiors with expansive windows, oversized contemporary flooring, and top-quality fixtures in both the bathrooms and kitchens. You'll have the opportunity to choose materials for both the kitchens and bathrooms, along with a fine selection of optional upgrades to customize your home according to your personal taste. Plus, your purchase includes a garage space and a private storage room. For the fortunate owners, this exclusive community offers access to a fully equipped gymnasium and luxurious spa facilities. This represents an exceptional investment opportunity. Feel free to reach out to us for more details on pricing, floor plans, quality specifications, and to request our informative brochure. ".
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La Cala Mijas, Mijas

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Greystone International Real Estate

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