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Terreny en venda a Altea Hills de 1231 m²

2.495.000 €
1.231 m²


Villa Belavista is a residence born from the collaborative vision of a Brazilian and a Spanish architect, resulting in a fusion of cultural influences. The design embraces the timeless aesthetic of Mediterranean residences, featuring both white and stone walls, while the slatted panels draw inspiration from contemporary Brazilian architecture. This fusion results in a striking interplay of textures, materials, and sensations, symbolizing a captivating fusion of the arid Spanish climate and the tropical ambiance of Brazil, all within a house that commands a magnificent view. The Vila Belavista is ideally suited to cater to a diverse range of individuals. It features spacious bedrooms, a seamlessly integrated social space with soaring double-height ceiling, and an incredible pool complemented by a generous outdoor area, perfect for hosting gatherings with friends and family. Additionally, it offers a fitness area conveniently connected to the pool, as well as a discreet service area. This home is exceptionally functional and thoughtfully designed! Main features: 1231.12 m² plot 344.52 m² construction 4 double bedrooms all with en-suite Integrated social area Double height ceiling Huge infinity pool Gym space Pool side chill out zone Two car garage and visitor's parking space Internal elevator Huge terraces Secondary circulation for services Stunning sea view location For more information visit our website or download the following documentation.
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Altea Hills, Altea

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