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Terreny en venda a Alcaucín de 11491 m²

737.500 €
11.491 m²


Land with a 160-bed residence project in Alcaucín (Close to Torre del Mar and Malaga Airport) Incredible investment opportunity! This spectacular land for sale is located in a privileged environment, at the foot of the majestic Maroma and just 15 minutes from the Torre del Mar beach. With more than 7,000 m2 built and 11,000 m2 of land, this land offers infinite possibilities for develop your project. In addition, the land has a project already presented, which includes the basic and execution project in the price. The plots already have the necessary infrastructure, such as urban road access, water, electricity, sewage, public lighting and sidewalks. With a total area of 443 m² and a buildable area of 250 m², this land is ideal to build the residence of your dreams. With the possibility of building up to 3 floors, you will be able to make the most of the available space. Don't miss this unique opportunity to acquire this land at an unbeatable price: €100 per square meter of roof, fees included. Don't wait any longer and make your projects a reality in this fantastic land for sale!
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