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Terreny en venda a Corralejo de 183 m²

265.000 €
183 m²


CORRALEJO - INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Building plot in the heart of the town to build apartments to sell in construction or rent out or for you to build your own idyllic town center boutique Hotel! **The Location: ** In a short stroll from the town beaches and local supermarkets, restaurants and cafes close to Bristol Playa and the Harbour. The view out is open across a pedestrian street which gives a more open feeling to the outlook. **The Plot: ** With 180m2 this is a level, flat plot ideal for construction. In this area other apartments have ground floor commercial shops with first and second floor residential apartments providing you flexibility of options to create you own apartment building. At roof top height there are views across the town to the bay, Lobos and Lanzarote. This is a rare and unique opportunity for any investor to build your own project to sell in construction or to rent or live. Speak to the TEAM for advice on building and how we can help sell your creation in construction!
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Corralejo, Oliva (La)

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